The Regional Forum of the East Kazakhstan Region


East Kazakhstan Region

The Regional Forum of the East Kazakhstan Region

🗓 Sept. 5, 2023, 1:39 p.m. ; Location

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The Regional Forum of the East Kazakhstan Region

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On September 5, as part of the 11th Civil Forum of Kazakhstan, the regional civil forum "Strong Regions - Powerful Country. Civil Sector in the Interests of the People" took place in East Kazakhstan.

According to the participants, civil society is not an ephemeral goal but a real instrument for society's interaction with the government. The activities of the first public movement in Kazakhstan, "Nevada-Semey," serve as evidence of this. It originated in the eastern part of the country over 30 years ago and successfully achieved the abandonment of nuclear weapons, thereby changing the destinies and lives of millions of people worldwide.

During the event, participants emphasized the need to reconsider the activities and composition of public councils, allocate funding for the development of NGOs, and make changes to legislation in the field of public organizations.

At the end of the meeting, letters of appreciation were presented to the most prominent representatives of NGOs in East Kazakhstan.

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