"The Regional Forum of the Atyrau Region."

On September 15th, as part of the 11th Civil Forum of Kazakhstan, the Regional Civil Forum was held in the Atyrau Region on the topic: "Tools of Social Partnership - the Foundation for Dynamic Regional Development."
The event was attended by the Akim (Governor) of the region, the Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Civil Society Affairs of the Ministry of Culture and Information of Kazakhstan, and representatives of non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
During the forum, representatives of NGOs were awarded letters of appreciation by the Akim of the region and the Civil Alliance of Kazakhstan for their contribution to addressing social issues in the region. The main goal of the forum was to strengthen cooperation with non-governmental organizations in addressing social problems in society.
In the Atyrau Region, there are 752 registered NGOs, with 624 located in the city of Atyrau and 128 in the districts. The number of active NGOs is 190.