The Regional Forum of the Kyzylorda Region


Kyzylorda Region

The Regional Forum of the Kyzylorda Region

🗓 Oct. 1, 2023, 2:33 p.m. ; Location

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The Regional Forum of the Kyzylorda Region

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Leading up to the 11th Civil Forum of Kazakhstan, a regional forum titled 'Civil Society and Culture: Values and Priority Directions on the Path of Kazakhstan's Renewal' took place in Kyzylorda.

"As part of the Alliance's initiative, 372 consultations with non-governmental organizations and 37 large-scale events have been conducted since the beginning of the year. A forum for rural non-governmental organizations was held, and a needs assessment map was compiled. Since 2020, a summer legal school has been systematically organized to enhance the potential of NGO leaders," said the region's governor.

Summing up the meeting, Banu Nurgazieva, the President of the Civil Alliance of Kazakhstan, expressed support for the initiatives implemented in the region and wished colleagues success in their work.

At the conclusion of the event, individuals who have been successful in various fields and actively involved in the region's social development were awarded

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