The Regional Forum of the West Kazakhstan Region

West Kazakhstan Region
The Regional Forum of the West Kazakhstan Region
🗓 July 14, 2023, 9 a.m. ; Location
On July 14th, as part of the XI Civil Forum of Kazakhstan, the XI Regional Forum of the West Kazakhstan Region took place on the topic "Inclusive State Policy: The Contribution of Civil Society."
The Regional Forum was attended by approximately 100 participants, including representatives from non-governmental organizations at the republican and regional levels, government bodies, political parties, religious associations, businesses, and deputies at various levels.
The Plenary Session of the forum featured speeches by the Akim of the West Kazakhstan Region, Nariman Toregaliyev, the Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Civil Society Affairs at the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Perizat Saduakas, the President of the Civil Alliance of Kazakhstan, Banu Nurgazieva, and others.
The forum included discussion platforms, an exhibition of successful social projects, and three panel sessions.