«Adal Azamat» Magazine

«Adal Azamat» Magazine
Project Description
The magazine «АdalAzamat» was created in collaboration with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.
General concept: «АdalAzamat» is a magazine dedicated to the development of civil society in Kazakhstan. The magazine aims to inform, educate and inspire citizens to actively participate in the public life of the country. Each issue includes a variety of sections that reveal key aspects of civil society and promote dialogue and exchange of views.
The purpose of the journal is to provide information support in the development and popularization of the activities of civil society in Kazakhstan.
Main results: The Information and analytical journal on the civil society of Kazakhstan «АdalAzamat» was published in 3 languages (Kazakh, Russian and English) Editor-in-chief: B.G. Nurgazieva The journal is registered: Information Committee of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
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