The role of dialogue platforms in the development of civil society: international experience


The role of dialogue platforms in the development of civil society: international experience

Project Description

The purpose of the project:

  • The fulfillment of international obligations ratified and signed by the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the promotion of Kazakhstan's interests at the international level.


  • Ensuring the participation of representatives of NGOs and civil society activists in international dialogue platforms;
  • Strengthening the authority of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the international arena by involving representatives of Kazakhstani NGOs to participate in international dialogue platforms;
  • Defending Kazakhstan's position in promoting achievements in the socio-political and socio-economic spheres, providing positive experience of Kazakhstan;
  • Study and analysis of the recommendations of international organizations and experts on the issues under discussion.


Within the framework of the Warsaw Conference on the Human Dimension, many parallel events were held, including seminars, round tables, trainings and presentations. The main issues discussed at these events included combating violence against women, protecting children's rights, the role of civil society in protecting human rights, environmental and climate change issues, as well as migration and integration of refugees and migrants.
An important result of the conference was the signing of a number of documents and resolutions aimed at improving the human rights situation in the region. Among them were resolutions on the protection of media freedom, the prevention of violence and discrimination against women, specific resolutions concerning individual participating countries, and resolutions on cooperation between States and non-governmental organizations in the field of human rights.

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Kazakhstan's experience in carrying out political and human rights reforms was presented at the UN

Dec. 14, 2023

Kazakh NGOs take part in the OSCE conference in Warsaw

Oct. 6, 2023

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