Гражданский Альянс Казахстана
объединение организаций из всего Казахстана
Our task is to make life in the country better by helping people work together.
On this site, you will find news, videos, and information on how we work and how you can join us.
Latest Alliance News
The freshest news about the activities of the Civil Alliance of Kazakhstan
Regional Alliances
The Civil Alliance of Kazakhstan unites regional alliances, coordinating their activities at the national level. Click on a region on the interactive map to see, who is part of the Regional Alliance in your area or city.

Joining the GAK
Вы можете подать заявку на вступление в Гражданский Альянс Казахстана. Мы открыты для альянсов, НКО, объединений и общественных деятелей. Присоединяйтесь к ГАК!
All current events and projects organized by regional alliances in Kazakhstan
Regional News
All the latest news about the activities of regional alliances in Kazakhstan
Kostanay Region
Балаева Аида Галымовна назначена министром культуры и информации в Казахстане
Sept. 2, 2023 | Viewed: 1542
Continue ReadingKostanay Region
В Костанайской области стартует новая программа ресоциализации осужденных при участии неправительственных организаций.
April 24, 2023 | Viewed: 1502
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Photos from events and meetings of the Civil Alliance of Kazakhstan
What Does the Civil Alliance of Kazakhstan Do?
Learn about the alliance's work, documents, and team information - About Us